If the reason comes from your bank refusing a payment, please check the following:
- Make sure you have sufficient funds to pay for your Yespark subscription;
- Make sure the card has not expired;
- Check with your bank that there are no restrictions on regular payments under a subscription;
- If your card is valid and your account is funded, please contact your bank. For information, the sample name is "YESPARK commerce électronique".
Otherwise, just update your credit card in the APP:
- Select the menu "Account" and then "Payment Card";
- Select "Payment card" and enter the number of the new card.
We will check the payment again twice: after 5 days and after 10 days. You will continue to have access to the car park for the next 10 days.
On the 10th day, access to the car park will be immediately blocked, and will remain so until your situation is regularised.